How to Get Home Projects Done Before the New Year

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The holiday season can be a busy time of year. With so many activities and events going on, the last thing anyone wants is to have an unfinished home project getting in the way. While unfinished home renovations and repairs can be a nuisance any time of year, during the holidays it is an especially awkward time to have things less than complete.

That is why now is a great time to take action to get all those home projects done before the holidays arrive. In fact, by following just a few simple steps, you can take control of your home renovations and repairs and get everything done in less time than you may think possible! However, there are some important steps you need to take before and after home renovations to improve your chances of success.

Young woman using a laptop on her couch with holiday decoration in the background.

Become Your Own Project Manager

Anyone can start DIY home projects. But to make sure you get them all done, you need to manage your projects the same way the professionals do. For example, before you start any project, you should make a detailed plan that includes what needs to be done and when. If you have multiple projects in mind, prioritize the most urgent repairs first.

Then list out every single thing that you would need to do to get each project done and how long it should take. For larger projects, set milestones to help keep your project on track. Then, gather your materials and hire the right people to help. Even more advanced DIYer’s need help sometimes to ensure repairs and renovations are done correctly, according to codes and specifications. By becoming your own project manager, you can get organized and get those home projects done before the holidays.

Quit Adding Sub Projects

Getting your home projects done on time is about more than just being organized. It also requires being realistic about how much you can accomplish in the time you have, not to mention staying focused on your original project plan. It can be tempting to plan a project, then see something else you’d like to add to it in the process. For example, maybe you started out painting your kitchen walls, but then thought you should refinish the ceiling, too, and maybe the trim.

What about adding a new backsplash, or some new lights? Or refinishing those cabinets get the idea. While it’s fine to have a list of things you’d like to do, make sure to tackle each project one at a time and avoid adding sub projects at the last minute. Trying to add too many things to a project at the last-minute will likely make it impossible to get anything finished in your allotted time frame. This leads to frustration, and unfinished projects.

Fire Your Slow Service Providers

Another way to ensure that you get your home projects done before the holidays is to hire the right home service providers to help you. When possible, put things in writing, including the project timeline, milestones and completion date. If your current provider is slow, or unresponsive, don’t be afraid to change providers to keep your projects on track. You may think that, once you’ve hired someone to do a repair or renovation for you, you are locked in with them until they’ve finished the job.

However, if the quality and timeliness of their service isn’t up to your standards or expectations, and doesn’t meet the agreed timeline, you may be able to replace them for being too slow. If you have a contract, be sure to check the terms carefully. You may be able to void the contract if they haven’t completed specific task by a certain date. If you don’t have a contract, replacing your provider is a little easier. Simply communicate your desired completion date, and if they can’t meet it, inform them you will be using someone else to complete the project.

Hire Quality Service Providers

In the end, hiring a quality service provider will save you time and headaches. This is because a high-quality service provider will do the job right and on time the first time. So don’t waste time and endless frustration trying to get a sub-par home service provider to do the work. Instead, hire a service provider with a reputation for doing quality work, and someone who stands behind the work they do. At Neighborly, each one of our home service brands offer our unique Done Right Promise.

This means that when you choose a Neighborly brand service provider to help you with your home projects, you are hiring someone who is committed to providing you with outstanding service – every call, every time. Learn more by visiting us at

Post Project Assessment

When the dust finally settles and things return to normal is when you should perform your post project assessment. This is an important part of any project planning. However, it’s sometimes the most overlooked. Although you may be relieved the project is done and want to move on to the next thing, there are lessons to be learned from every completed project.

Don’t wait too long to perform this assessment. Do it while the project is still fresh in your mind. Sit down and review the project from beginning to end. Take note of the things that went well, and those things that didn’t go so well. Was there enough time, did you have enough material, was the cost what you budgeted for, did you hire the right people? Try to identify best practice and areas of improvement and file everything under lessons learned so you are better informed and prepared for the next project.

Get the Neighborly App

One of the best ways to make sure your home projects get done before the holidays is to partner with Neighborly brand service providers. And the best way to get in touch with these quality providers is to download the Neighborly app. This convenient app will give you access to a wide range of home service providers, making it easy to request quotes, schedule service, and much more! Find the app on the Apple App Store or on Google Play, and get your projects on the road to done today!

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