How to Find a Good Painter for Your Home

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House painters advertise their services everywhere, but only a few do great work on interior and exterior projects. Follow the below steps to choose a painter who will deliver outstanding results.

person looking at paint samples on a laptop screen

Steps to Find a Painter

1. Be Specific in Your Search

When trying to find a painter, most people head to search engines. But just typing “painting services” may make your search long and grueling. Instead, try using very specific queries. If you’re looking for someone to paint cabinets, for instance, search for “cabinet painting services” instead of only “painter.” This will narrow down your results to companies qualified to complete your specific job.

2. Are the Reviews Real?

Companies often list reviews on their sites, but they’ll typically only display those from satisfied customers. Search online for real customer reviews, and read the good, the bad and the ugly. Visit Google Reviews and Facebook to get an accurate representation of what former customers really think of a paint company’s services.

3. Check Experience and Qualifications

Do you want a barely trained painter working at your house? Probably not. Check out each local painting business’s website to learn about their experience and qualifications. For example, if you need to repaint the outside trim, you’ll want to skip painters who don’t have exterior house painting experience.

4. Get an Estimated Timeline

Skilled painting companies know approximately how long it takes to complete projects of all sizes. The more complex your painting request, the longer the painters will need to finish. Exterior painting timelines also depend on what Mother Nature has in store. Find a painter who can provide you with a reasonable estimated date of completion before picking up a paintbrush.

5. Strike Up a Conversation

Even if a painting company’s website looks impressive, you won’t want to deal with them if they have lousy customer service. Give them a call, and ask a few direct questions related to expertise, scheduling or pricing. You’ll learn firsthand how they treat their customers.

6. Be on the Lookout for Hidden Costs

Do you know how to choose a painter that will stay within your budget? Look for pricing transparency, such as an up-front pricing promise with no unexpected fees. To take this a step further, ask for a detailed pricing model, and make sure they don’t have any hidden costs lurking in the fine print.

7. Make Sure They Prepare Properly

A big challenge is determining how to find a good painter who won’t cut any corners. While some painting companies get in and out as quickly as possible, the best ones pay attention to every detail. They prepare, clean and prime surfaces to ensure long-lasting results. Some pros, like Five Star Painting®, will even fix rotting trim and other imperfections before they paint.

While preparing to paint, did you or your painting team find mold? Our Rainbow International® brand explains why homeowners shouldn’t paint over mold.

8. Don't Worry That You’ll Have to Do It Again Soon

What products do the painters use and recommend? Quality paints are the only way to go. Avoid companies that use cheap materials to save a buck. The results won’t last as long, and you’ll end up doing it again soon and spending more in the end. Additionally, talented painters take their time, apply enough coats and prioritize details. They also stand behind their work with some form of a satisfaction guarantee.

Save Yourself Some Time

Our Five Star Painting franchise offices will meet all the above requirements. Would you like to save yourself some time in evaluating painters? Click to find a team near you.

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